Our members' work can be viewed here:  Galleries





PhotoClub Vancouver is a group of keen amateur and professional photographers who meet regularly to share our knowledge and ideas about photography in order to help and inspire each member to realize his or her artistic visions. Members have a wide range of photographic interests and levels of experience.

Visitors and new members are always welcome.



1.   March 10, 7pm. Judy Hancock-Holland. ‘Getting to wow’.

2.   March 24, 7pm. Monthly Photo Review: ‘Spring’.

3.   London Drugs display 
     – call for up to 3 photos, March 31: Theme ‘Vancouver at Night’

4.  We are planning a field trip to the Museum of Anthropology March 29th. We will meet at 10 am inside the entrance.  It is now re-opened after extensive renovation and seismic upgrading. Below is more information about the visit and attached is a map and information about how to get there.
    Museum of Anthropology: https://moa.ubc.ca/
    Open 10 AM to 5 PM, Adult: $25, Senior: $22
    Pay parking available
    Tripods: Not permitted indoors; Flash: Not permitted; Commercial use of photographs: Permission required; Indoor area for photography: Yes; Outdoor area for photography: Yes

5. Exhibition at Gallery George: April 2-13



On My Way:

The Interplay of Movement and Stillness,

an Exhibition of VanSPC and PCV

April 2–13 | The Gallery George (140 W. Hastings)

Explore the rhythms of urban life through photography in this group exhibition featuring works by members of the Vancouver Street Photography Collective and PhotoClub Vancouver. Through the lens of movement and stillness, the exhibit captures how we navigate and experience the city.

Opening Reception
April 4 | 6–9 PM

Meet the photographers, connect with the community, and immerse yourself in the dynamic energy of the streets.  




6. April 7, 7pm. David Stewart. ‘Low Light Photography’

7. April 28, 7pm, Monthly Photo Review: Lewis Katz.  



Image Submission Format and email address:

Submit a maximum of 2 images per photo review to: submit-images@photoclubvancouver.com a minimum of 4 days before the review date, usually a Thursday.

  • File type: JPG, recommended 2048 or 4096 pixels on the long end
  • File Name: XX[yyyymm of field trip] [Photographer] [sequence] - [title].jpg (e.g FT202202 Alexa Siri 1of2 - 49 Parallel.jpg)
    • Where XX equals MC for Monthly Challenge Submissions
    • Where XX equals FT for Field Trip Submissions
    • Where XX equals HB for Henry Ballon Submissions
    • Where XX equals APAC for APAC Submissions
  • Compiling the Images for the Photography Reviews takes a fair bit of time.  Please use the preceding format as it makes it easier for everyone.


Guidelines for PCV regarding AI in Challenge  and Exhibition Photographs

A photographic image is defined “as being a captured image on a light-sensitive device (e.g. film camera, digital camera, smartphone, tablet, etc…) and recorded on media or in a digital format.

1.      No text generated photos or parts of photos is allowed.

2.      Removal of unwanted elements is allowed using generative fill.

3.      Replacements are allowed providing your own photo is used (eg. sky replacements)

4.      A new challenge category may be introduced to facilitate the use of AI if the need is warranted

5.      These guidelines will be reviewed annually.


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